Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The good thing...

Well the store manager told me that he would have them made and could I come back tommorrow. I said that no I could not come back tomorrow - that is why I made the date to pick them up for the night before.
He asked me if he could deliver them somewhere.That was acceptable. It was very delightful NOT to have to find space in my refridgerator, have them delivered to me and enjoy freshly made ladylocks!
Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The promised time...

The eve before the wedding, my son took me to the store to collect the ladylocks for the wedding. THEY were no where to be found! I had a very capable store clerk looking for them but she could not find them. She got the store manager and he could not find them either. So much for all my planning.

Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Once you have finished your plan -- it is time -- time to do all you have planned

Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Finally I was at the store at the right time and the bakery manager was there. I said I HAVE left you messages to call me and confirm this order! He promptly ignored that!
So I went over the order with him and said I need to pick it up the Friday night befor the wedding.
This was 3 weeks before the wedding. He promised it would be there.
Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Focus Plan Do

The way I like to plan is by writing it down. I try to plan EVERY day WHAT I should do, want to do or need to do. Usually I write it down, sometimes I do not. Sometimes especially if it is only a few things I need to remember I just list it in my head and remind my brain to remember them. Most of the time that does not work, needless to say!

Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


So I placed an order. The clerk took it and allowed me to put a request in the comments section. I asked for the bakery manager to call me and confirm the order. I even left my cell phone #. By the end of the week there was no call. I was in the store again and the same clerk was there. I said, the bakery manager has not called me back; the clerk said that he would tell the bakery manager what I wanted and told me the name of the bakery manager, what the phone # to the store was and the next time the bakery manager was in, in case the bakery manager did not call me back
Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Laying the plan

So first I called one bakery and they DID not do ladylocks.Then another and they cost a small fortune! Finally I was able to find some made at the bakery in the grocery store just a short distance from my home and they were reasonably priced too.
Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.

The best laid plans...???

I tried to focus, I really did...but it seems no one was with me in this.
Early in August, my niece let me know that it would be nice to have mini ladylocks on the cookie table at her wedding AND could I have a dozen saved just for her and her new hubby to eat later. Sounded reasonable enough to me! Not too hard and most bakeries should make them so it should be no fuss - no muss.
Please visit again soon to view our progress and enjoy afternoon tea in my garden.